Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) – problèmes et solutions…

Carnet d’adresse (11/09/09)

Il ne démarre plus (Roue Multicolore de la Mort)

Solution :
1) Remove the following files: AddressBook-v22~.abcddb and AddressBook-v22.abcddb from the following folder  ~/library/Application Support/AddressBook.
2) Remove all « intelligent/smart groups » from the Address book located in ~/library/Application Support/AddressBook/Metadata. Those groups are easily identified by their extension « …ABSmartGroup.abcdg ».
Once completed, Mail and Address Book will launch without any problem. Sure, you will have to redefine your smart groups, but it should not take so much time, and at least both applications are now working.

Cyberduck (11/09/09)

Problème : La version stable 3.2.1 ne veut pas démarrer avec Snow Leopard

Solution : utiliser la version béta 3.3.

Nambu (11/09/09)

Problème : ne fonctionne pas bien

Solution : attendre la prochaine version… 🙁

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